We would like to take a moment to welcome you as a new patient of The Balance & Harmony Wellness Clinic. We look forward to partnering with you to address your health concerns, and we will do all we can to ensure you achieve the most successful result possible for you.
Our mission is to help our patients achieve optimal wellness by the use of acupuncture, herbal medicine and other modalities pertaining to Eastern Medicine.
What makes us unique is in what our name states. We specialize in Yin Yang, meaning “Balancing”, and Classical Five Element, meaning “Harmonizing”, style of acupuncture. Balance and Harmony of the mind, body, and spirit are the crux of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The optimal health of an individual is achieved by obtaining and maintaining the harmonious state of health. Signs and symptoms that a person is experiencing are messages from the body telling of imbalances of functional energies within the body.
Through acupuncture and herbs, we can balance the person’s yin and yang energy as well as harmonizing the five elements of fire, wood, water, metal, and earth energies. Any symptoms the body is suffering can be healed when the whole body is brought into a functioning working system. Thus we treat and resolve the causative factors and the source of the problem.
In order to help you to get the most out of this worthwhile investment,
here are a few suggestions that are highly recommended:
- Be on time and keep your appointments. Each treatment builds upon previous ones. It is important to follow through with your future care plan in order to receive maximum benefit.
- Do your homework. In many ways, what you do at home, at work and at play, will affect your progress. We offer suggestions and self-care techniques to support you on the road to a life of increased wellness and vitality.
- GIVE IT TIME! As with any medical treatment, healing with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is a process; not magic. It takes time and is influenced by many factors. Over time, your body conditions should start to improve and if necessary, we will adjust your treatment plan accordingly to best fulfill your treatment goals.
- Keep a positive attitude and EXPECT positive results. As we follow through on your treatment plan, look for signs of improvement and take encouragement from them. Build an attitude that expects positive results and knows that profound healing is possible. Your belief and expectation has an incredibly strong influence on your body, and is a key factor in healing.
For information on WHAT TO EXPECT AND HOW TO PREPARE for your first Acupuncture visit